Stop Focusing On Strategy

What should you focus on instead?


Question of the day: If you thought back on your week thus far, could you say that you have done something to lift someone else up?

Stop Focusing On Strategy:

How many times do you have a goal, you do your research (if you’re the researching type), you set a strategy with bullet points, deadlines and the sort and you get to going. You strategize the F*#@ out of that strategy and you’re still not quite getting there?

The inability to finalize your plans and strategy can be cause a disruption in your life and possibly have you jump overboard before you arrive at port, and let me tell you, from experience, jumping off the boat before it reaches shore is not the best option.

So where does the problem lie then? Where is your strategy being held up?

Truth is, it’s not your strategy at all. Ready for the mic drop?

Stop focusing on the strategy and instead focus on who you need to become in order for the strategy to be successful.

Don’t just try to figure out the best plan to make it happen, figure out and work on what needs to change with your behaviors to find actual success.

Plans are only successful when you build the right behaviors to support them. You don’t say “I’m going to bulk up with muscle or get fit” without changing behaviors to make that a reality. Same goes for every plan, every strategy, and every goal. (side note, if you do have a secret for saying the above, “bulking up and getting fit” without behavior changes or work being put in, please let me know)

5 tips to change behaviors:

1. Take a Step Back: Change starts from within and it is important to change your perspective on the situation and yourself. Taking a step back allows for self-reflection which can help change behaviors for the better.

2. Create an Action Plan: Making small, achievable goals with behavior changes will help make change more manageable and successful. Writing out these steps and keeping track of progress can also serve as great motivation for further success.

3. Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: It's easy to fall into bad habits, but replacing them with good ones will create much healthier lifestyle choices that'll last longer in the long run. (I still can’t quit Diet Coke and I know how awful it is… Help me here)

4. Get Support or Seek Professional Help: Friends and family are always great support systems to help change behaviors, but if needed it may be helpful to seek professional help in order to maintain change.

5. Celebrate Success: Reaching goals and milestones should always be celebrated! Acknowledging successes creates a positive mindset that will lead the way for further change.

Changing behaviors can feel daunting, but with these tips, it doesn't have to be! By taking a step back, creating an action plan, replacing bad habits with good ones, getting support or seeking professional help when necessary, and celebrating success along the way, change is achievable.


Give Yourself Credit!

When was the last time you stopped and said “good job you!” - “way to crush that!!” - “you did it!!!”….???

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that we simply don’t give ourselves enough credit for over coming things and just getting better.

Damn, you made it this far, I made it this far, I believe it’s time to celebrate your strength! Can you get on board with that???

Do you know someone who has made it through some shit? Share our community with them?

Don’t wait, do that thing, tell that person they matter or how you feel about them. Today is your day.


Our first giveaway is today, that giveaway is a mug and pendant that I finished up last week. This is a mug that is part of a collection I’m making about the desert / canyon lands and mountain ranges.

Who will win this combo? I will go live on Facebook this evening for the big wheel spin giveaway. If you’re reading this and not subscribed, you have a few hours left to subscribe to the newsletter and get in on the fun!

Last but not least… Remember…

I believe in you


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