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  • You're Never Too Old - Plus summer time treats.

You're Never Too Old - Plus summer time treats.

time has a way of flying by, days pass, routine kicks in but you're never too old.

Face It, You’re Old

Okay, you’re not “old” but you are older than you were last year, last month, last week.

While you are older than you were, you’re not as old as you’re going to be. And that’s pretty freakin’ awesome!

The thing about getting old though, and not being as old as you’re going to be, is… Wait for it, wait for it…

You’re still young!

Young enough to do all the things!

Back in the day, you know, way back when. I believe most humans fell into the life they believed they had to live. Go to school, go to college, get a job, stay with the same company because “you matter there”, get married, put up a white picket fence, have kids, pay for their college, continue working for the same company, retire, go to the same coffee spot every morning to talk about the weather, sit on their porch and wait for their grand kids to visit, and maybe take a weekend trip to see some lighthouses…. And that’s that.

Thing is this, that isn’t how things work. Or at least not how things have to work.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, how young you are, or what number is tied to how many trips around the sun you have taken.

What does matter is that you realize you are:





Maybe it’s comfortable to stay in your lane and just follow the routine. Maybe a day will come though when you realize staying in your comfort zone actually created more discomfort. Maybe kept you in a place you didn’t truly want to be.

It’s all up to you, how you decide to live. Just remember those above bullet points. Remember that you’re still young, that you still control your days, that you have so much life ahead of you.

Till you don’t.

And that’s the full circle here, you never know when that day will come, so live your fucking life to the fullest extent!

Get out there and thrive. Try new things, meet new people, fulfill your dreams, and be kind. This is your day!

Two Favorite Summer Treats

There are two things I really only enjoy in the summer. Both are the same, both bring the same joy.

They are both salads, time is running out on them so it’s time to share. I am sure some of you are already enjoying these delicious simple salads. And if not, I dare you to try these tasty treats!

First one up is the Watermelon Salad. Sweet and salty, paired with chicken or pan seared salmon. Roasted asparagus on the side.


  • Small Watermelon

  • 5 Oz. Block of Feta Cheese

  • Mint

  • Olive Oil

  • Black Pepper

  • Optional Cucumber

Time to prepare 10 minutes

Cube the watermelon into bite size pieces as well as feta. chop up up the mint, (dice up cucumber into small pieces if added). Mix all ingredients in bowl with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and enjoy. (I also like to drizzle a balsamic glaze over salad once prepared on plate).

The other summer time love goes to the Tomato Cucumber Salad. Just as simple to make, less sweet but just as delicious. Light, cooling, great for the entire family or to bring as a shared dish to cookout.


  • 2 to 3 large tomatoes, seeded and diced

  • 1 English cucumber, diced

  • 1/2 red onion, sliced

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Time to prepare 10-15 minutes

Seed (if preferred) and dice tomatoes - dice cucumber, slice red onion (wipe tears from face). Mix in large bowl with olive oil and red wine vinegar and enjoy. Much like the watermelon salad, this is super tasty with balsamic glaze drizzled over.

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