In All The Chaos

Try to remember...

Tip #1 To Get Away From The Darkness And Out Of The Shadows -

Turn toward the light. Look at the sun (not directly you noodle head). Look toward the sun, toward the light, and just like that. BOOM! The shadows are behind you! The darkness no where in sight.

You are SO RIGHT! It’s NOT THAT EASY! In a way though, it is.

Look up, look out.

Look at the world around you. There is SO SO SOOO much world around you! And it’s magic.

See that tree, you could have been that tree, but nope. YOU are a person.

See that squirrel, you could have been that squirrel… But nope, you’re here in the flesh. A real live human.

Okay, okay. The odds of being born a human were indeed 100%

Hypothetically though, the chances of being human are 400,000,000,000,000 to 1. That’s how rare it is to be a human and that’s just one of the many reasons you need to realize HOW SPECIAL YOU ARE!

You could have been a tadpole, a fly, a bear, a mosquito, a bird, the list goes on.

So why are you here? And while you’re thinking about why you’re here, think about how long you’re actually “here” for. Reality, ready, sit down. You’re not here for long at all.

There were hundreds of millions of years before you, and there will be just as many after. So for the short time you get to be here, shouldn’t you freakin’ BE HERE!??!

Hold Up Though -

I’m not saying some days don’t suck.

Yesterday, I don’t have an answer for. I felt disconnected from the world. Like a zombie. Maybe I was that tired, truly exhausted. Maybe it was just another trip into the world of depression in another way, maybe it was a fog built up. I got nothing accomplished, (at least that’s how it felt / feels) I was in bed at 7:30.

With all of that, as much as I felt as if I could fall, still so many people are struggling so much worse. Not discrediting how I felt or how you may feel. Just something I need to remind myself of sometimes, ya know?

And this happens. We have our days, and on those days, for me at least and I hope for you as well. That you get to look at yourself and be proud that you made it through the day. Sometimes, if that’s all we have, then we should count that as a win. Because a win it is. Right?

In the meantime -

While I’ve been a bit absent here, life is challenging with time and place which is creating a struggle. The allocation of time and “quiet” to get into the head space to share has been a miss, a dead MacBook Pro, and, well, maybe I need to stop thinking of why not and figure out more how to’s?

Anyway, we just need to keep trying our best, right?

So while you’re trying your best, now and in the coming months, I have one question for you.

A favor?

In the midst of the crazy that is the year of election, in the battles creating diversion and sides and enemies. I am on my knees asking you this.

Stop and remember that on the other side of that post, comment, text, conversation is another human.

Be kind to one another.

Don’t spread fear or hate.

Don’t forget that every year, there will be over 1,500,000 suicide “attempts” with over 50,000 losing their life to suicide (and that’s just America)

Don’t forget that over 600,000 individuals will be taken from us each year due to cancer (and that’s also just in America)

Don’t forget that you don’t know that person’s story

Don’t forget that we are ALL JUST TRYING TO DO OUR BEST

Don’t forget that all you have to do is make it through one more day.

Don’t forget that YOU ARE LOVED and you will make it through this.

This list could go on, for now I think you get the point. So hey, let’s try to be here with kindness, love, & joy?



or to participate.