Are You A One Day'er???

One day I'll do this, or one day I'll do that, or when I'm ready...

It’s Time To Stop Being A One Day’er

Next week when I clean up that closet then I’ll go see that play...

One day, once I train enough I am going to go on that 6 mile hike…

One day, once I am sure I look good enough, I am going to go say how I feel to that person and hope they feel the same.

One day I am going to buy that second house.

One day I am going to go to the Canyon Lands, it looks so magical…

This list goes on… and on…. and on…..

Why one day though? What’s important to you? What do you want out of your life?

Honestly, this may be one of those letters to you all that some people don’t believe with. I get it, I’m definitely a leap and build the helicopter on the way down kind of person and that doesn’t work for everyone. Again though, I want to ask;

Why one day?
What’s important to you?
What do you want out of your life?

It’s so incredibly easy to become a “one day’er”, just as easy as it is to feed the bad wolf,

To live a life of “one day I will __” though, it’s comfortable I know. Remember one thing though, very few things have ever come out of comfort…

What’s not easy is stopping the pattern. What’s not always easy is choosing the life you want. What’s not always easy is living with intention.

Be honest with yourself, what’s one thing you continue to put off with a “one day I will” that you could do right now? (tip, almost all of the one days can be started right now)

If you want to go somewhere, be it a new place or a place you say “one day I want to go back there”. Why not go? Why not set the plans in motion? What’s stopping you? And last question, are you roadblocking yourself?

Maybe you need to save some money, if so, set a date, and save that $$ and go.

Are you in a place where “one day I will tell that person I love them”. Hold up, why the Fu@% would you not tell them right now. Fear? Confusion? Listen, text them, call them, go find them and tell them that you love them! You care for them! You are mad at them! YOU deserve that. You really do, and they might too. Living with that hesitation though, you may never get the chance. What if they are gone tomorrow and you’re left wishing you had said what ever you needed to say.

And listen, if you tell them you love them, and they get upset, that’s not on you.

Are you in a place where you want to start investing in properties but you’re waiting for that one day? Think about this, every day you wait is a day you lost more possible future security or a day when someone else bought that property right out from under you.

I know it’s not easy but there are ways to make it happen. Be that a HELOC or a second mortgage, or… The options are endless as to how, but if you keep saying “one day”, the options will never matter.

I think you get what I’m saying. This list could go on… You will never have all the answers to the “what if’s”, you will never have every duck in a row, you will never have all the days because one day…

You won’t be here anymore.

How do you love?

To what capacity can you love? When you think about a pet, a dog for instance, what is one thing you know about their love? 99.9% of the time it is unconditional. And that other .1% is because someone is an awful human and broke the spirit of their pup, and to them, I say “I punch you in the throat!”

Can you love like a dog though? Being a friend to someone is a choice, being in love with someone is a choice. If you think about it, everything is a choice. So what if you decide to love your person, in such an unconditional way that you could love like a dog. Sounds weird I know. What if you could though.

What if after falling in love, you worked every day to rise into that love.

What if you loved with a love that they call “agape”

For now, I will depart with two things…


Instead of “one day I will say I did it” what steps can you take to turn that into “I DID IT!”


I believe in you


you got this quote


or to participate.