If You're Lost We're All A Little Lost

and it's all right...

I Cry Every Darn Time

No, legit, every single time. The tides rise, the feels are real. and again I am reminded that it’s okay…. And then it happens…

Two things and then I plan on stopping this post and instead of reading this for 3 minutes hopefully you can take a break from what you’re doing to watch the below.

So the two things (of many) that come up from what Jane “Nightbirde” says in this video:

First, you are more than the bad things that happen to you. And it is 100% true. Jane had a 2% chance of surviving and she carried on not allowing that to dictate who she was. And what happened to you is not your story. Especially since you get to rewrite that story many times over.

Second, you can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy… I can’t say more to that but you can read it again if you need to…

I’m done for now.

I believe in you


P.S. “If you’re lost we’re all a little lost and it’s all right….”

P.P.S. Sorry about this showing up today, it was supposed to send down the road. Guess what is meant to be will be. Maybe this is just what someone needed today. 

you got this quote


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