Kindness To The Most Important Thing

I actually suck at this....

Would You Just Be Kind Already!?!

And this time around I really mean it!

Thing is, I sort of suck at being kind too.

There are a few people you could ask who will let you in on that secret and where my kindness falls. Want to know where that is?

  • It’ me. I am really good at being kind to others, and I live to lift others up. However I suck at being just as kind to myself. Probably something to do with trauma, impostor syndrome, being abused in relationships, head traumas etc… I could dive deeper into that but really, that’s not why we are here.

So if you haven’t guessed yet, I just wanted to swing in this morning to remind you to be kind to yourself.

Not sure I’m alone here, a lot of great souls out there who are so great to others aren’t so great to themselves. If you’re one of those magical humans who struggle with being kind to yourself, or anyone else, read that image above again.

““it’ okay to:”…. Rest, Ask for Help, Say no, Try something new, Focus on yourself, Start over..”

I think what we need to do is realize and remember what we deserve and what our own worth is. Slowly I am working on this for myself and building the blocks toward being kind to myself. Taking time to breathe - Reinventing what my days are in order to fuel my soul - getting back on track with working out - using my time in a way that will move my life forward. Those are some of the pieces I’m working on to become kinder to myself.

be kind to you

With that, and really the most important part of today’s letter is this.

When it’s all over - There are really only three thing that truly matter,

How much you loved.

How gently you lived.

And how gracefully you go of thing not meant for you…

Coming on Monday - Becoming a CEO is your most important role.

I believe in you,


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