Every Year It Happens

June seems to knock me off track for what I think are...

Good morning friend! Today it’s about my apologies and an empty glass. Whether you decide to read the entire note or not,

I wish you only the best of days!

June - Throws Me Off Every Year

My Apologies…

(if you don’t care about all this, just scroll down to the photos and our original broadcasting)

Doesn’t seem to matter how I come to it, or how it comes to me.

Doesn’t seem to matter what May was or what’s coming in July.

Doesn’t seem to matter - it just happens.

The personal journey is, at times, out of our control. And the story to my June always seems to lead down a rocky road. It’s only “funny” because I can share thoughts about handling tough times, resetting, or choosing to embrace the harder path. Every June though, it’s as if I forget every one of those thoughts.

So long story short, for those that don’t know, on 6/6/06 I was in a bike accident that left me a John Doe in the trauma center of Hartford Hospital. I was going about 25-30 miles an hour pedaling down the street on a hard training session when I blacked out, crashed, going over my handlebars head first into the pavement. 10 days later on Father’s day, my father left this place we call earth. Anyway, that all sucked.

What I wasn’t prepared for, what I didn’t know or understand, was how my head trauma and his passing would change my entire life from that day forward. It wasn’t till a couple years later that I learned how, when you have a Traumatic Brain Injury, your brain remaps as a way to fix itself. Just so happens my brain remapped during a time of pain, grief, and loss. Honestly, not sure where that puts me now but it changed me in many ways.

The remapping, the pain, the darkness. So much darkness. The years to follow turned me into the empath that I am, with one goal, to help others NOT feel what I felt and still feel. To help others not fall into the darkness where ending things feels better than moving forward. To help others find just a little bit of light to move toward and to hold on just a little tighter knowing that it WILL get better.

And now here we are, we all know that losing a parent is awful, losing anyone we love is awful. It doesn’t “get better” as some people say. It just changes. Somehow though, June just throws me off EVERY FUCKING YEAR. It’s a bit frustrating.

June is now a much better month with some goodness packed in, that helps for sure. The beginning though, oof.

Simply put, just wanted to let everyone know where I went, where I’ve been. Thanks for hanging in there and being part of the reason to continue.

Sorry about pulling a Houdini, what do you say we get back to doing the things and lifting some souls up?

Before a quick dive, a quick share of some images I grabbed when in Utah last week. Or earlier this week. No, last week and earlier this week, both? What does Sunday count for, the beginning of a week or end of week?

Moab Utah adventure arches national park
Moab Utah adventure arches national park
arches national park Moab utan
arches national park Moab utan

Now, back to our original scheduled broadcasting…

Embracing the Journey: It's Not About the Glass, But How We Fill It.

glass half full or half empty

In life, we often hear the age-old question: "Is the glass half full or half empty?" This perspective challenges us to see our situations as either hopeful or lacking. But let's shift the focus.

What if the glass is completely empty? Does that diminish its potential? Absolutely not. Especially since the glass is technically always full. Be that with air or liquid.

Heck, what if you were told to pour the glass out. To let go of the pieces filling it, the old hopes, the old dreams, the old future. It may seem daunting, imagine the possibilities though if everything were emptied out.

Especially since many times in life, that damn glass gets knocked over without our influence at all. A job loss, a relationship ending, a life turned upside down. Just like that, you’re sitting with an empty glass, with a “what now”…

Look at the potential of that glass now. A blank canvas. A starting point, a world of possibilities waiting to be filled. The journey isn't about whether the glass is half full or half empty; it's about our commitment to filling it. Each drop we add represents our efforts, dreams, and actions. Fuck, it’s about overflowing that glass!

Life is a dynamic process of pouring in experiences, knowledge, and love. Sometimes, we just need to remember that an empty glass, a glass with room left in it at all, signifies the potential for renewal and growth. It is an invitation to start afresh, to fill it with new aspirations and hope.

As long as we are working towards filling it up, we are progressing. Every small step, every little effort counts. Celebrate the drops you add each day, no matter how small. They accumulate to create a life rich with purpose and fulfillment.

So, please try not to be discouraged by an empty, half full, or half-empty glass. Instead, focus on the possibilities it holds. Embrace the process of filling it, knowing that each moment contributes to your journey. It's not about how much is in the glass right now, but about the endless potential it holds and the efforts you make to fill it. Keep pouring in your dreams, efforts, and love, and watch your glass overflow with the beauty of your journey. And hey, don’t let anyone ever tell you “you can’t”… Fill that glass for you, over fill that glass, let it splash out with all the goodness you have.

I believe in you.

Till next time -


From the Whisper Wall -

Sarah wrote in: “I hate everyone I work with”

Hey Sarah,

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It’s tough when work becomes a source of stress, especially when it feels like the people around you are adding to it. Remember, your job is just one part of your life, and it doesn’t define who you are or your worth.

A few thoughts on what could help.

Focus on Your Goals: Remember why you’re there. Whether it’s to gain experience, pay the bills, or work towards a bigger goal, keeping your focus on your personal objectives can help you navigate the challenging moments.

Create a Separation: Try to mentally separate your work from your personal life. When you leave work, leave the frustrations behind. Engage in activities that you love and spend time with people who lift you up. Believe me, I know this isn’t easy, especially in today’s world where we are often in a routine of always somehow being connected.

Find Allies: While it might feel like you dislike everyone, there might be at least one person you can connect with. Finding even one ally at work can make a huge difference and I bet you aren’t the only one feeling this way.

Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or hobbies, make sure you’re taking care of yourself outside of work. Maybe take up darts, you can put pictures of those you dislike up on the board. (okay, that may be over the top, but heck, maybe it will help)

Talk About It: Sometimes, just talking about how you feel can make a huge difference. Whether it’s with a friend, a family member, or a therapist, expressing your frustrations can help you process them.

Remember Your Worth: You are so much more than your job and the people you work with. Your friends, family, passions, and personal achievements define you far more than any workplace ever could.

Consider Your Options: If the situation is unbearable, it might be worth considering other opportunities. Sometimes, a change of environment can bring a whole new perspective and relief.

Hang in there, and know that this too shall pass. You’ve got the strength to get through this.



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