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The Fleeting Of Life And...

When you hear "you may not make it home for dinner", it's real. So enjoy the moments.


ā€œAlso remember that the best answer to any situation is loveā€

- I donā€™t remember my fatherā€™s laugh.

It was 2006, the last time I was able to talk to him. The machines making sounds as they kept him alive, sounds that to this day, I remember. The window in the hospital I curled into for hours, I remember. The moment I received the news that he was gone, I remember.

But his laugh now escapes me.

Life is fleeting and when you hear the words ā€œyou may not make it home for dinnerā€. Please remember that itā€™s the unfortunate truth about life. Nothing is promised. And every day you wake up, rejoice in the fact that you did it again! Because, while you may not make it home for dinner, even waking up isnā€™t a sure thing.

So one more time, when you wake up, rejoice in the fact that you did it again! YOU WOKE UP!

When does it happen, when do we arrive at a place where we understand how fleeting life is? Where we live the life we deserve and need? Where we become authentically ourselves?

What you can be sure of is that when you become more of your authentic self your days will be easier and your soul will feel lighter. When you live a life where you are present around the other people you love, your days will be easier and your soul will feel lighter. When you live a life with the intention of helping others and having empathy, you days will be easier and your soul will feel lighter. When you live with love and kindness, your days will be easier and your soul lighter.

Over the last week I had planned on writing about the ā€œUnited Statesā€ and what it means to be ā€œAmericanā€ and living YOUR life. Those plans took an unplanned turn when the need to remind us how fleeting life is came back to the forefront.

A good friend from middle school on who has 3 amazing children will now be living life as a single parent and raising their children alone as the childrenā€™s mother passed away this past week. While I donā€™t doubt how great of a father he was, is, and will continue to be, the pain is real.

Reading this news in a post on Instagram, each word rising the tides in my soul as the tears fell, this friend finished his writing with the following.

ā€œFinally, please remember how fleeting life is; and donā€™t let the small things define the relationships with those people with whom you love. Also remember that the best answer to any situation is loveā€

No further words need to be typed for todays letter because his words sum up anything I am truly trying to say today, so with that, I will leave you with those words once more.

ā€œFinally, please remember how fleeting life is; and donā€™t let the small things define the relationships with those people with whom you love. Also remember that the best answer to any situation is loveā€ S. Pace

I believe in you,



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