Climb That Dang Mountain

Just do it one step at a time

“Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe”

And the “babe” here… That’s your goal. That’s your summit. And nothing will stop you from getting there!

This one comes to you from the valley… knocked off the mountain. I’ve been here before, at the bottom. But here’s the thing: the bottom isn’t always about hitting rock bottom in life. Sometimes, it’s about a specific goal or a new path you were trying to forge.

The thing about being at the bottom is that once you’ve been there, it’s not so scary anymore. I’ve been through it before—going from everything to nothing—and step by step, I made my way back to the top of that mountain. When you realize you’ve done it before, it’s still frustrating, even depressing. Yes, it’s a setback. But then you remember: you know how to climb. You tighten your laces, take a deep breath, and take that first step forward. Then another. Step by step, one foot in front of the other, you begin the ascent.

Because you’ve climbed this mountain before, and you can do it again.

The Power of Small Wins

We all have mountains to climb. Whether it's a personal goal, a career milestone, or simply a project we're passionate about, it can feel like standing at the bottom of a towering peak, wondering how we’ll ever make it to the top. The shadow of the mountain in front of you daunting, casting not just darkness but doubt.

The truth is, the "win" will never come from the base of that mountain—it will come step by step, inch by inch, as we work our way upward. The goal isn’t reached in one giant leap, but through a series of small, consistent wins that get us closer to where we want to be.

Heart Love GIF by Barbara Pozzi

Climbing the Mountain, One Step at a Time

When we look up at the summit of any major goal, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. sometimes it may seem easier to turn around and walk back through the valley, flowers, a river, tall grasses.

The distance up seems so far, the path uncertain. But here’s the thing: no one reaches the top without taking the small steps to get there. Each small win, whether it’s completing a task, learning a new skill, or simply moving forward, is a vital part of the journey.

Breaking larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks helps keep the feeling of doubt at bay. Instead of worrying about how to get to the top all at once, focus on the next step you need to take. Maybe it’s sending that email, making that phone call, or finishing a small section of a larger project. These little victories may not seem significant on their own, but over time, they add up.

Each step forward is progress. Every small win gets you closer to where you want to be.

For instance, pedaling down the road, you look ahead and there’s a 2 mile climb. Your legs are already screaming at you. Your heart beating, your lungs asking for more oxygen. How will you ever make it to the top of this climb. So you go. You keep pedaling. And you don’t worry about the top. You pick out a tree, and ride to that tree, then you pick out a mail box and pedal to that mail box, then you pick out a pebble you see up the road and get to that pebble. Then you…. Then you’re at the top. It’s the small reaches, the small goals, all leading to the win.

It’s important to recognize and celebrate those small victories. We often get so caught up in what’s next that we forget to acknowledge what we’ve already accomplished. Even if it’s something as simple as finishing a to-do list or taking time out of your busy schedule to practice self-care, or reaching that mail box, these moments matter.

Take a moment to celebrate when you hit a milestone. By doing this, you create positive momentum and reinforce the belief that progress is happening. These celebrations also remind you that you’re capable of reaching your larger goal. Small wins build confidence, and confidence builds success.

When We Slip On The Banana Peel

But let’s be honest—sometimes, as we climb, we slip. Maybe we land a step or two back from where we were. Maybe we fall to the bottom and have to start all over again. It happens to all of us.

Setbacks are part of the journey, and they don't mean that you're failing. They simply mean you're learning, adjusting, and growing stronger. I get the pain you may feel from the fall. I don’t think we should over look that. I even believe sitting with that for a bit is okay. Recognize it, validate your emotions because, after all, they are real. And then stand up and dust yourself off. Reset your thermostat and take a step… Forward…

Remember, you’ve been at the bottom of that mountain before ( it’s where we all start ), and you already know that you can climb back up. Each time you slip and regain your footing, you’re coming back with more experience and more resilience. Falling down is never the end—it’s simply a chance to reset and start climbing again.

The Cumulative Effect of Small Efforts

The magic of small wins is that they accumulate. Like drops of water wearing away at stone, each small step forward adds up. One step today, one step tomorrow, and another the next—all these moments combine to create meaningful progress.

When you look back at the mountain you’ve been climbing, you’ll realize just how far you’ve come. The summit will seem much closer, and the effort you’ve put in will reveal itself in the form of new skills, confidence, and momentum.

So how about we just remind ourselves that success doesn’t always come from big leaps. Actually, it rarely does (unless you do the triple jump, that last leap is a big one. But hang on, you needed two little ones first???).

Let’s remind ourselves that the wins come from consistent, daily efforts. At times, the small wins that might seem insignificant in the moment but that, over time, become the foundation of your achievement. And a solid foundation helps everything grow.

So, take a deep breath. Celebrate today’s small wins, no matter how minor they may seem. Keep moving forward, step by step, knowing that every effort you make gets you closer to your goal. And when you slip? Don’t worry. You’ve climbed this mountain before, and you know how to get back up. So dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and start all over again.

Keep climbing. Keep winning.

Keep Shining,


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