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- A new year begins today
A new year begins today
For me at least because it's my birthday

It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To
Another trip around the sun, or the moon, or the race track, or something like that. All I know is that I survived. And as dramatic as that sounds, it's sort of not far from the truth, ending this last birth year with surgery and have a new cute little 3" scar on my belly. Here I am though, can't get rid of me that easily... Suckers! haha
Really though, this isn't surprising. The year began with a ruptured calf, covid (again), Lyme disease, stress and anxiety to the point where I quit my job (with a little nudging from the important person in my life), and back to the point, I survived.
So what now, this next year will be filled with growth in so many ways. Not just for me though, but for every single individual I can help in any way possible. And that's where we welcome in this news letter. Creating a safe place to reach out, to share, to help, to grow. You in???With that, my birthday thoughts and tips.
Reflect and Celebrate Yourself: Take the time to reflect on where you have come from, what you have accomplished, and how far you have come - celebrate who you are and all that makes you unique!
Set Intentions for Yourself: Use your birthday as an opportunity to set goals and intentions for yourself. Consider what positive changes you would like to make in your life, such as being more mindful or being more generous or kind.
Connect with Others: Reach out to friends and family members on your birthday - let them know that they matter to you and appreciate their presence in your life. Helping others is a great way to experience joy and satisfaction.
So back to what I was saying, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to.... Not gonna cry though, gonna thrive! So come along for the ride and let's thrive together!
One Free Art Piece Given Away Monthly
Yes, I am going to start the year with a new fun way to spread love, joy, energy, and art. I will go live on the Facebook group and or YouTube, TikTok or somewhere. Spinning the wheel with all subscribers, and where the wheel stops a winner will be. All you do is simply subscribe to this growing community built to help all of us thrive.
I will leave you with two things.
One, this group will never become spam. It will be just the opposite. You are safe with me.
Two, I want to share a reminder. Staying positive isn't easy. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most difficult choices we need to make day in and day out.
Staying positive though, doesn't mean that things will turn out okay. Truth is, sometimes they won't. Staying positive is knowing that YOU will be okay no matter how things turn out.
Focus on What You Can Control: Instead of worrying about outcomes that are out of your control, focus on taking the necessary steps to reach your goals and then trust in the process.
Find Joy in Small Victories: Celebrate small wins along the way and remind yourself of how far you have come - no matter how small these wins may be!
Acknowledge Your Feelings: Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up and remind yourself that it is okay not to always be positive. Remind yourself that you will find strength in any challenge life throws your way.
If you could share with others - one tip about life, one quote, one thought - what would you share? Text it to me at 860.977.9269 or email it to theadventuretab@gmail.com