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- Live Your Life - Become Unapologetically You
Live Your Life - Become Unapologetically You
a multi topic post about you
Live your life - Be Unapologetically you - And A Question For You
That person’s life is so incredible!!!
Is it though? Chances are, you’re seeing one side of their day and possibly a side created that may not even be real… Social media is a good mask isn’t it?
Remember, everyone, EVERYONE, is going through their struggles, most just aren’t going to show their cards.

It’s not easy letting go of perception with what you see. It’s not easy seeing X do this or that, having this or that, completing this or that. Some quick tips though.
Keep track of your own successes - celebrate the things you’ve done and achieved, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.
Focus on things that are within your control - there’s no point in comparing yourself to others when you can’t change the outcome.
Practice gratitude - instead of focusing on what you don’t have, be thankful for all the good things life has given you.
Find mentors and role models - look up to someone who inspires you and helps to guide your progress without making comparisons.
Embrace your uniqueness - everyone is different, so don’t try to be something that you’re not; embrace who you are and take pride in it!
And try to remember, it’s okay to not be okay.
In all honesty, this week has been a challenge. Making the choice to push through, to overcome, to grow. That’s where the difference comes in. And when the challenge passes you are further ahead.
Make the choice to learn and overcome and you will, without a single doubt, grow…

Part 1: It's easy to get lost in the expectations of others and forget what you yourself desire. Take a step back, and think long and hard about what really matters to you. It's not always easy to go against the grain, but it can be incredibly rewarding.
Certainty isn't always possible, but by looking within and leveraging your own experiences and knowledge, it'll be easier to make decisions that are truly your own. Going through life without seeking validation from anyone else allows you to live authentically, on your own terms. HOW INCREDIBLE WOULD THAT BE!!!???
Mistakes will happen, without a doubt, they will happen –– don't let them derail your plans or freeze you with fear. Instead use them as an opportunity for growth. Accepting ownership for these mistakes is an important part of becoming self-reliant; learning from setbacks will make future successes all the more sweet.
The purpose of life isn't just hitting goals set by someone else; it's about creating something meaningful for yourself. Everyone has a unique perspective on the world that should be embraced, rather than trying to imitate what works for those around us –– even if we understand their methods may be successful.
You have something special to offer this world: don't forget that! So rise up, take ownership of all facets of life, and bring your passions into existence –– no permission needed!

Part 2
Now, a deeper question…
Are you willing to sacrifice who you are for who you can become?
This is taking everything above one step further. Being comfortable with you is HUGE. Can be a challenge and will create a life that you are more at ease with.
Now think about all you can do with that. All the power you have to become stronger, braver, and even more YOU than you were before.
We all have so much potential. YOU have SO SOOO MUCH POTENTIAL.
Potential to live your best life. That’s the choice I ask you to make today.
Are you willing to sacrifice who you are for who you can become?
I believe in you ~Tim
