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  • Is This The Biggest Seasonal Shift?

Is This The Biggest Seasonal Shift?

Why though? The colors, the magic, followed by darkness?

What is that brings this season to the front of the line?

It’s a gentle darkness that falls over the trees. A season filled with winds that blow through shadows, and ghosts, and long-held dreams.

The leaves that hold onto the stories of summer, shifting through hues as the trees exhale their last breath. Those once green, then red - orange - yellow, now dark burnt hues of brown falling to the ground. Trees letting go, knowing their path to growth is that of letting go and allowing themselves to recharge. To step back.Holding on to their roots through their coming winter. A winter that, if allowed can become even darker and lonelier.

The forest floor, and all that is hidden there, could not survive without all of those stories of summer.

Walking through the woods, the scent of leaf mold, of morning dew. Those stories dropped from the trees above creating warmth and life to the smaller critters, creating the food that those trees will need as they rebirth themselves in the coming spring.

Till then, we sit quiet in this gentle darkness known as autumn.

Muted lights filling the rooms in early morning. Tea, coffee, sipped quietly as another day shrugs into view through the fog thickened valleys. Making it through another night of darkness, the nights so long. In these moments the world turns sepia toned, edges blur and somehow focus that was lost in those mercury heightened days creeps back.

Through crackling logs, comfort foods, and cup after cup, the darkness grows gentle, holding us in it’s warmth until that spring air kisses our souls once more.

No longer counting life with the summers and falls that are left in this life to go through, but instead, counting the new laugh lines, the new adventures and the pathways taken in the deepest parts of the forest, where, if you listen closely enough you will hear your very own woodland fairy call out from behind the trees and ferns….


What are some ways that you can find your gentle comfort through the coming nights, the nights that are longer, darker, chillier?

Will you read? Create? Sit and recharge?

Where will you find your courage, your confidence, your new consistency?

I believe in you.



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