Unfollow Them And Move Forward

2024 is your year to shift and take control and accountability

Stopā€¦. Just stop. The algorithm truthā€¦.

Itā€™s youā€¦ Itā€™s not the algorithm, itā€™s you.

The algorithm isnā€™t back there rerouting you in directions you arenā€™t already going. Listen, iā€™m going to hit you with this one.

If your algorithm is sad, itā€™s not the algorithm, you are actually sad.

If your algorithm is negativity, itā€™s not the algorithm, you are actually on a path of negativity.

If your algorithm is little kittens and baby chics playing together, itā€™s not the algorithm, you are actually a little kitten or a baby chic. HAHA, okay, maybe not that one, but little kittens is probably a good thing. Youā€™ve triggered an algorithm that makes you happy.

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at -

That unfollow and or mute button is my newest best friend. TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, All the things.

Does it make you envious? Unfollow or mute.

Does it make you sad? Unfollow or mute.

Does it hold you back from moving forward? Unfollow or mute. 

Itā€™s so easy to see a friend posting things that they are up to. Great! Right? But stop, if it makes you envious, mute them. Most people are comfortable in that spot. Dwelling in darkness, itā€™s easy, plus misery loves company. Stop though, you can break this cycle, you can get a little uncomfortable to find more comfort for the rest of your days.

Social media serves as a digital canvas where individuals paint highly curated versions of their lives. - CURATED VERSIONS - This curated reality is often a collection of moments, individually chosen to portray a particular narrative or image. These platforms, while connecting us globally, also encourage users to share their successes, milestones, and picturesque experiences, frequently sidelining the mundane or challenging aspects of daily life. And not just the mundane, but so often, the reality!

Someone once messaged me ā€œyouā€™re traveling the world and not doing what you said you were going to be doingā€ā€¦. To which I sent them a screen shot that I was indeed working on what I said I was doing. They simply saw posts, images I had taken from my favorite locations, adventures, hideaways. Why did I post them, because they make me happy. This other individual though saw those posts and just assumed I was out traveling the world again. Nope, I was right there behind the computer.

This is a perfect example of how selective sharing contributes to a skewed perception of reality, where the struggles that define human experiences are often glossed over, leaving an impression of seemingly perfect lives. Come on though, I donā€™t know one person that doesnā€™t have 20 things they are currently struggling with or working to get through. I donā€™t care how much money they have or donā€™t have, where they live, almost everyone has their 20 things.

As we navigate the digital landscapes, it's key to remember that what we see is a small fraction of the full spectrum from their daily life experiences meticulously edited and presented through the lens of individual desires to connect, impress, or influence. Itā€™s a joke really.

So start now, come walk with me while I unfollow the accounts that donā€™t lift me up, that donā€™t move forward, that donā€™t share the beauty or magic I want to see in my days. Unfollowing accounts that may just be memes (time sucks), accounts that may be ā€œfailsā€ of individuals doing dumb things (time sucks and energy setbackers), and more. 2024 is the year to take the algorithm by the horns! Or is that a bull by the horns? I will probably get very injured if I grab a bull by the hornsā€¦ So yea, letā€™s stick with the algorithm and its horns. You with me?

Much Like Unfollowing and Taking Controlā€¦ While weā€™re at itā€¦

What do you say we stop all the finger pointing?

What do you say we stop the blaming?

What do you say we take accountability?

Taking accountability rather than pointing fingers is a cornerstone of personal growth and healthy relationships. Listen to younger humans, coming home from school and saying ā€œthis teacher is a jerk because ____, or it was the teachers fault that ____ā€. Itā€™s in those moments where we can help realign them now so that they turn into more responsible individuals as they grow up.

Taking accountability is a powerful practice fosters a culture of honesty, introspection, and resilience.

By owning up to our actions and their outcomes, we open the door to learning and improvement, converting mistakes into stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. Listen, I have stumbled over some really big fucking blocks in my life. Self createdā€¦ Till I learned this too. And itā€™s not easy, I still donā€™t have it perfect, I never will, most never will. We work on getting better each day though, right?

Accountability encourages us to confront our vulnerabilities and work towards becoming better versions of ourselves. It shifts the focus from blame to understanding, paving the way for constructive solutions and deeper connections with others. Moreover, embracing responsibility for our actions creates a sense of empowerment and control over our lives, enabling us to navigate challenges more effectively and with integrity. In essence, taking accountability is not just about admitting our wrongs; it's about embracing the opportunity to grow, learn, and foster trust in our relationships.

Next time you begin to point that fingerā€¦ Remember this image and hopefully you will remember this post, slowing your roll and helping you realize that we are all just doing our best, and we are all one team, one love.

I believe in you


Tips to help

1. Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on your actions and decisions. Consider how they affect others and yourself. Honest self-reflection helps identify areas where you may have fallen short and understand the impact of your behavior.

2. Acknowledge Mistakes Openly: When you realize you've made a mistake, acknowledge it openly and without delay. Avoiding excuses or shifting blame shows maturity and courage, fostering respect and trust in your personal and professional relationships.

3. Seek Feedback and Act on It: Actively seek feedback from those around you and be open to receiving it, even if it's not always what you want to hear. Use this feedback as a constructive tool to address areas that need improvement and to reinforce positive behaviors.

4. Make Amends Where Possible: If your actions have negatively affected others, take steps to make amends. This could involve a sincere apology, rectifying the situation, or other gestures to show that you understand the consequences of your actions and are committed to making things right.

5. Set Personal Goals for Improvement: After acknowledging your mistakes and understanding their impact, set specific, achievable goals for personal improvement. Whether it's improving communication, managing emotions better, or learning new coping strategies, having clear objectives helps guide your journey towards taking better accountability in the future.



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